Crop Insurance Adjuster Schools Off to a Great Start!

Crop insurance loss supervisors and loss adjusters attended classes that provided them with updated field instruction, basic procedures, recent loss adjustment policy changes and hands-on training for dealing with crops damaged by hail.  The classes, part an ongoing adjuster educational series sponsored by National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS), were held in Columbia, Missouri in early […]

Convo 45

Their policy, most people forget, will have a 20 percent deductible to it.  How would you like to have a homeowner’s policy with a 20 percent deductible?

CROP INSURANCE IN ACTION: Andy Bell, Climax, Georgia

On the first Saturday after Thanksgiving, you can chase a greased pig in the southwestern Georgia town of Climax as it celebrates its Swine Time Festival, which normally draws up to 30,000 people in an area where only 300 people live. There is also corn shucking and a squeal-off.  Climax is the highest point on […]

Wyoming Farmers Can Depend on Crop Insurance

I have a unique perspective among American farm wives since I was born and raised as an Assyrian living in Teheran, Iran. I came to Wyoming as a student but fell in love with a farmer and have spent my life making a living from and raising my family on the land that we love. […]