New NCIS Video: Private-Sector Delivery Essential to Crop Insurance’s Future and Viability

Private companies are integral to crop insurance’s future because they shoulder risk that would otherwise be borne by taxpayers and because they maintain the system used to efficiently provide assistance to farm families following disasters.  However if the business does not remain viable, private-sector participation could wane, which would weaken America’s farm policy, according to […]

NCIS President Tom Zacharias Talks Crop Insurance on Agri-Talk

The increasingly important role of crop insurance to farmers, ranchers and producers across the country – and its place of prominence in the 2014 Farm Bill – were among the many topics of conversation during Mike Adams’ recent interview with NCIS President Tom Zacharias on Agri-Talk. “We think this is a very positive Farm Bill […]

Crop Insurance Is Important to Kansas Farmers

For farmers, a lifetime’s work and every penny they have can be wiped out by a single hail storm, a drought or a market crash that erases any chance of profit regardless of how well crops do. That is why the vast majority of Kansas farmers purchase crop insurance every year and why it must […]