AGR Deadline Near for Rhode Island Producers

January 14, 2008

OVERLAND PARK, KS — Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) insurance for farmers and ranchers is again being offered in Rhode Island for 2008. The deadline to apply for AGR, or to make changes to existing AGR policies, is January 31, 2008.

AGR provides whole farm income protection under an umbrella-type policy that covers income from all crops and some livestock. Unlike traditional crop insurance guarantees based on yields, AGR provides a guarantee against a significant decline in overall farm income from the average of the most recent five years.

To purchase AGR insurance, please contact a local crop insurance agent. For a list of crop insurance agents go to the Risk Management Agency website at


NCIS is a non-profit trade association representing the private crop insurance industry. Funding for the development of this release was provided by the USDA Risk Management Agency as part of a cooperative agreement with NCIS.