Ag Groups Ready to Work Together to Defend Crop Insurance

Representatives of various agricultural groups in Washington, D.C. voiced support for crop insurance during the annual meeting of the American Association of Crop Insurers and the National Crop Insurance Services.  The session was designed to give crop insurers perspective not only from Capitol Hill, but also from farmers across the country. “We want crop insurance […]

ICYMI: Farmers Grow Florida Jobs, Crop Insurance Protects Them

On the eve of the annual convention in Florida, the president of the National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS), Tom Zacharias, penned an editorial for the Fort Myers News-Press highlighting how important agriculture is to the state’s economy and how crop insurance is the key to protecting this industry from disaster. In the piece, Zacharias explains […]

Crop Insurance Is Important to Kansas Farmers

For farmers, a lifetime’s work and every penny they have can be wiped out by a single hail storm, a drought or a market crash that erases any chance of profit regardless of how well crops do. That is why the vast majority of Kansas farmers purchase crop insurance every year and why it must […]

Convo 51

There is no question that crop insurance IS today and will be tomorrow, the linchpin of the safety net program.

Affordability of Crop insurance Policies Focus of New Video

Crop insurance policies must remain affordable for farmers and ranchers or the entire farm safety net will fail, crop insurance providers said today in a new educational video. Farmers help fund current farm policy by spending approximately $4 billion a year out of their own pockets on crop insurance policies and by shouldering a portion […]


Farmers spend tens of thousands of dollars and then pray for good weather. If it all comes together, you’ve got a bountiful harvest and you’re set for the next year. If it doesn’t, then hopefully you have crop insurance.

Private-Sector Delivery Essential to Crop Insurance’s Future

Private companies are integral to crop insurance’s future because they shoulder risk that would otherwise be borne by taxpayers and because they maintain the system used to efficiently provide assistance to farm families following disasters. However if the business does not remain viable, private-sector participation could wane, which would weaken America’s farm policy, according to […]

Convo 49

Crop insurance has provided some peace of mind for many of our growers.  Some growers will collect due to drought this year and that will save them.

New NCIS Video: Availability Key to Crop Insurance’s Future

Crop insurance providers today released the first in a series of educational videos meant to highlight three policy attributes that are essential to maintaining a strong crop insurance system in the face of future market and weather challenges. The first three-minute segment examines the widespread availability of crop insurance, whereas future videos will look at […]