2013 Year in Review: New Policy and Coverage

Crop insurance reached significant and historic milestones in 2013 — both in its formal recognition by Congress as the primary risk management tool for farmers and the volume of protection it offered — according to an article released in the May 2014 edition of Crop Insurance TODAY. “Again in 2013, crop insurance helped farmers deal […]

This Drought Is Awful, But with the Right Tools, Farmers Will Bounce Back

In many parts of Oklahoma, it seems like wheat farmers just can’t catch a break. Not a one. A late spring freeze, combined with excessively dry or extreme drought conditions throughout the winter and into spring have left many of the state’s wheat fields badly stressed or a complete bust. In fact, I’d say this […]

2013 Year in Review: New Policy and Coverage Milestones for Crop Insurance

(OVERLAND PARK, Kan.) — Crop insurance reached significant and historic milestones in 2013 — both in its formal recognition by Congress as the primary risk management tool for farmers and the volume of protection it offered — according to an article released in the May 2014 edition of Crop Insurance TODAY. “Again in 2013, crop […]

U.S. Agriculture at Historic, Pivotal Point

When the 2014 Farm Bill became law, it marked a pivotal moment in the history of U.S. farm policy. The new Farm Bill eliminated direct payments and replaced them with Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) that farmers must choose between. The Farm Bill also stressed the importance of Federal Crop Insurance […]

CROP INSURANCE IN ACTION: Klodette and Rich Stroh, Powell, Wyoming

Klodette Stroh isn’t your typical Wyoming farm girl. Klodette is an Assyrian, born in Teheran, Iran, who came to the U.S. to attend college with the goal of becoming a physician and instead wound up falling in love with Wyoming farmer, Rick Stroh. The couple began farming together in 1989, first purchasing some equipment and leasing […]

CROP INSURANCE IN ACTION: Andrew Bowman, Oneida, Illinois

Andrew Bowman is a fifth-generation farmer from Oneida, Illinois, in the western part of the state. Bowman, who is in the family business with his father, farms 1,100 acres of corn and soybeans, although they are also looking into new crops. “But corn and soybeans are definitely our bread and butter,” says Bowman. The drought […]

Convo 42

Today, crop insurance is the foundation of this Farm Bill and the farm safety net. The farmer gets a bill, not a check with crop insurance…and they don’t get help unless they really need it.

CROP INSURANCE IN ACTION: Mike Quinn, Garner, North Carolina

If there’s anything the droughts of 2011 and 2012 have taught American farmers, it’s the importance of being prepared for anything. That includes occasional years of dealing with dry conditions trying to grow the Carolinas’ homegrown cotton crop. J. Michael Quinn, the president and CEO of Carolinas Cotton Growers Cooperative, Inc., has witnessed how both […]

CROP INSURANCE IN ACTION: Danny Davis, Elk City, Oklahoma

Late in the 19th century, the Great Western Cattle Trail used to run from Texas to Dodge City, Kansas. The route passed directly over a creek that eventually became the center of Elk City, Oklahoma. This is a region of dry land farms and ranches. Two years ago, it was the epicenter of the worst […]