Crop Insurers Reassure Farmers as Drought Worsens

OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS, July 18, 2012 – As the drought spreads and attention turns to worsening crop conditions in farm country, the nation’s crop insurers today reassured farmers that companies will have the money necessary to quickly pay out claims in 2012, even amid record payouts last year. For every dollar of premium that insurance […]

Tropical Storm Irene Proved the Value of Crop Insurance

Rhode Island Vineyard

One side benefit of the popular “eating local” movement is a growing recognition by urbanites and suburbanites of the importance of agriculture and the need to ensure that farmers are able to withstand the many challenges presented by Mother Nature. While farmers manage their many risks using a wide variety of tactics, there is one […]

Convo 17

Farmers all across the country have said they like crop insurance. They understand it, they pay premiums — probably not thrilled about that piece of it — but having said that, they’re willing to do it. They understand the protection comes at a price so they have to pay for it. I just think it’s […]

Convo 16

Sorghum producers across the Sorghum Belt faced significant challenges last growing season as a result of the drought. NSP supports Federal Crop Insurance, which is providing meaningful risk management tools to our producers.

Gutting of crop insurance in farm bill threatens farmers’ survival

Quentin Bowen of Humboldt, Neb., is a farmer who raises corn and soybeans. As I spend these hot summer days tending to my drought-stressed and dying corn and soybean crops, I am glad I purchased crop insurance. Whether it’s a flood instantly washing your livelihood down a newly formed river channel, or the blistering sun overcooking […]

Crop School Teaches Insurance Adjusters To Assess Hail Damage

COLUMBIA — Gene Painter kneels and observes the sample of wheat before him, explaining the difference between damage done by hail and other perils. A clean cut in the stalk signals a rodent; a bent stalk is wind damage; but a broken stalk or missing berries are signs that hail is to blame. Once determining […]

Convo 15

Even though crop insurance is our fourth largest annual expense, we continue to purchase it—that’s just how important it is to us. We have been fortunate not to have filed a claim in the past ten years. It’s comforting to know however that if we had needed it, we would have had the resources available […]

EWG Study A Reckless Attack on Farmers’ Best Risk Management Tool

(OVERLAND PARK, Kan.) — “The Environmental Working Group has an unprecedented track record of promoting and funding misleading and flawed analysis, as well as mischaracterizing data to generate news headlines. Its latest attack on farmers’ most important risk management tool is no different. For example: EWG seems to be criticizing government support of crop insurance. […]

Crop insurance helps state’s farmers see another spring

Mississippi and farming are so intertwined that it is hard to imagine one without the other. Agriculture is not only our state’s No. 1 industry; it employs roughly one-third of our population, contributing $5.8 billion to the state’s economy. There are approximately 42,000 farms in the state covering 11 million acres, producing rice, cotton, soybeans […]

NCIS Unveils Third in Video Series, Spotlight On Historic Midwest Flooding

(OVERLAND PARK, Kan.) — As the House Agriculture Committee wraps up its hearings and the Senate Farm Bill moves closer to the floor for debate, National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS) today released the third in an ongoing series of educational videos on crop insurance. This new video spotlights the Missouri river flooding of 2011 – […]