Convo 2

It’s just a real good risk management tool. We’re able to have famers pay part of the premium and have government pay part of the premium to make it affordable and it just ensures that if we have tough weather – especially like we’re having now – lots of wildfires in Texas and a lot […]

The 2011 Crop Year is Off to a Challenging Start

The hopes of the largest and most profitable harvest in U.S. history are being placed into question by a series of historic weather events that are inflicting major damage to America’s agricultural heartland. A cold spring followed by heavy, constant rain and flooding in the corn belt has resulted in extensive delays in plantings with […]

No better investment than farm safety net

We have been taught from an early age that humans have four basic needs: food, water, clothing and shelter. Interestingly enough, it is the U.S. farm sector that provides two — food and clothing — out of those four needs. This fact puts farming and the programs that protect farmers from adversity — the farm safety […]

Convo 1

Failure to anticipate an imminent downturn in the agricultural economy by not maintaining farm policies through the farm bill and crop insurance… would, in time, prove penny wise and pound foolish.

NCIS Responds to Los Angeles Times Article

Below you will find NCIS’ response to the Los Angeles Times article “Farm Insurance Fraud is Cheating Taxpayers out of Millions” from February 6, 2011. NCIS Response To the Editor: 
(These comments are based on letters submitted to the editor of the Los Angeles Times by Dallas Smith, former Deputy Under Secretary of USDA, and […]

Crop Insurance Deadline Nears

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 14, 2011 OVERLAND PARK, Kansas – January 24, 2011 – Farmers Encouraged to See Agent Soon With a February 28 crop insurance deadline looming for producers of most spring‐planted crops across the south, staying eligible for FSA’s crop disaster program (SURE) will be on the minds of most farmers. All insurable […]

Crop Insurance Industry Agrees USDA’s Good Performance Program Benefits Farmers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 24, 2011 OVERLAND PARK, Kansas – January 24, 2011 – The private insurance industry supports USDA’s decision to implement a good performance‐based program for famers. “The Good Performance Refund (GPR) program has its merits, and we were pleased to see the savings resulting from the renegotiation of the 2011 Standard Reinsurance […]

NCIS Response to Chris Clayton

Farmers buying crop insurance as enterprise units get increased federal subsidy Chris Clayton, AgFax — November 3, 2010 Tom Zacharias, newly-named president of National Crop Insurance Services, said enterprise units have expanded the opportunity for farmers to manage their risk. “I would say, in general, it has been very well-received,” Zacharias said. “There is evidence […]

Crop Insurers, Agents Adjusting

A vibrant farm industry is currently helping the crop insurance industry cope with the Agriculture Department’s decision to substantively cut back its subsidy program, “but every year is a new year,” the head of the trade group that represents the industry said last week. “Obviously, with the new standard operating agreement, there is a reduction in […]

Everyone Wins With a Strong Crop Insurance Policy

It’s no great surprise when a well-funded libertarian think tank full of Washington policy wonks pushes for the belief that the federal government should not be involved in crop insurance and other key farm policies. But those of us in farming know better. All we need to do is to remember the recent floods, droughts and […]