Farm Credit Services Report Touts Crop Insurance

Crop insurance saved nearly 21,000 jobs in four states during one of the worst droughts in two decades, according to a report from Farm Credit Services of America. The 20-page paper breaks down the history of the crop insurance program from the start in 1930s, with the Great Depression and Dust Bowl, to expansions in […]

An Introduction to Crop Insurance

Welcome to “What’s Cropping Up.” If you’re reading us for the first time, chances are good that you’re either a new Congressional staffer or a reporter that’s joining the ag policy beat. As such, we wanted to start with some of the basics. Of course, if you’re chomping at the bit to graduate from Crop […]

Sen. Grassley Sets Stage for New Farm Bill, Calls Crop Insurance His Top Priority

Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley says his top Farm Bill priority in the 115th Congress is to preserve a vigorous crop insurance program, noting there is no safety net more valuable to farmers and taxpayers. “It not only saves the taxpayers money, because obviously if we didn’t have crop insurance and you had disasters in […]

Thank You, Chuck Conner!

Prior to the holidays, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives President and CEO Chuck Conner found himself in a strange place – onstage at a farm policy conference sitting between two of agriculture’s biggest opponents: EWG and Heritage. Unsurprisingly, demands to rip holes in the farm safety net and mandate new government regulations were made.  It […]

ICYMI: Maine farmers know crop diversity is key to success. Our farm policies should reflect that

Bangor Daily News December 13, 2016 “Diversify, diversify, diversify.” This is the mantra of most financial advisors—a popular approach to protect investors in the face of volatile market swings. The same strategy also has served agriculture—another unpredictable market-quite well. Here in Maine, we have established one of the most diverse agriculture “portfolios” in the nation. […]

Father & Son Carry on Farming Tradition

Don and Beau Van Winkle are second and third generation apple and cherry growers in Wenatchee, Washington. “We buy insurance because, if we have a bad year, it gives us a chance to keep farming.”

ICYMI: Crop Insurance: What a difference four decades make

Agri-Pulse November 4, 2016 For nearly four decades I have worked with Connecticut River Valley farmers to help protect their livelihoods. Over that time, I’ve seen many changes, both in the make-up of farms and the tools farm families have to manage uncontrollable risk. As our population has grown, the amount of available farmland has […]