Convo 24

“Over the last 15 years, crop insurance is where we have been trying to help move farmers in terms of taking advantage of risk management tools for their crops. “It is still the central focus of where we think farmers ought to be able to have easy access to insure their crops and insure some […]

Convo 23

Crop insurance payments made a huge difference for many farmers that suffered drought losses. U.S. crop insurance is easy and a comprehensive marketing tool that protects against yield losses and price declines. The program works.

Convo 22

But there are those who are making uninformed and uneducated criticisms about crop insurance – and America’s farmers – in the midst of this national tragedy. According to the Washington-based Environmental Working Group, farmers have been ‘praying for drought, not rain.’ Really?  I’ve seen a lot of looks on the faces of my fellow farmers […]

Convo 21

Crop insurance was the No. 1 tool that farmers said they needed, that they rely on. As we look at eliminating direct payments, we think that it’s very important that crop insurance be intact.

Convo 20

If I hadn’t purchased a crop insurance policy this year to help me through an event like this, I possibly wouldn’t be able to farm again next year. But that’s the main reason why the federal government teamed up with the private sector years ago to form this public-private partnership that helps farmers manage their […]

Convo 20

But like all farm policies, crop insurance has taken its fair share of criticism from those in Washington who would like to see a much less robust agriculture sector. These critics are actually using this year’s drought to paint farmers as self-serving and living off the government; people who, according to the Environmental Working Group, […]

Convo 19

The crop insurance program is a dramatic risk mitigator for the farmer.

Convo 18

Crop insurance has become the chief risk management tool for farmers for one simple reason: It works. Farmers purchase policies and can receive claims only for documented losses. As you noted, most of the United States is locked in a severe drought this year. Crop losses may be deep, and no crop insurance indemnity will […]

Convo 17

Farmers all across the country have said they like crop insurance. They understand it, they pay premiums — probably not thrilled about that piece of it — but having said that, they’re willing to do it. They understand the protection comes at a price so they have to pay for it. I just think it’s […]

Convo 16

Sorghum producers across the Sorghum Belt faced significant challenges last growing season as a result of the drought. NSP supports Federal Crop Insurance, which is providing meaningful risk management tools to our producers.