Convo 15

Even though crop insurance is our fourth largest annual expense, we continue to purchase it—that’s just how important it is to us. We have been fortunate not to have filed a claim in the past ten years. It’s comforting to know however that if we had needed it, we would have had the resources available […]

Convo 14

What we would like to see is continued support of our crop insurance.  The reason crop insurance is there is to prevent you from setting up an appointment with the auctioneer.

Convo 13

“Even in these good times, our farmers, ranchers and growers need a strong safety net. That begins with a crop insurance program that protects 264 million acres on about 500,000 farms.”

Mr. Jarvis Garetson

Quite frankly, without strong and effective crop insurance tools, Garetson Brothers farms could likely have been preparing for a farm sale this spring. Instead, we’re planning and preparing to plant.

Convo 11

In response to whether private delivery of crop insurance should remain or if the government should assume that role, Dr. Mark Lange, President and CEO of the National Cotton Council said, “I think it’s clear that the delivery of insurance or revenue programs from the government has a very chilling effect for agricultural producers.

Convo 7

Farmers like me need to have access to affordable risk management tools to better mitigate the impact of significant crop losses and sharp price declines. This is why the upcoming farm bill is so important. It is not about providing income to the less than 2% of the American population. It is about insuring that […]

Convo 12

As Congress continues work on the next farm bill, our organizations agree that an affordable crop insurance program is our No. 1 priority.

Keith Collins on Insurance Payments

Crop insurance companies already have paid $9.1 Billion in indemnity payments to US farmers for 2011. That a new record, and actually the largest lost claims in the history of the program according to USDA’s Risk Management Agency, and only 81% of claims have been finalized. Former USDA chief economist Keith Collins says during the […]

Convo 10

So as we look at the next Farm Bill, we need effective risk management tools for farmers that are simple and easy to use. In my visits around Michigan, and in our field hearing here and at the one we did in Kansas, we heard over and over again that crop insurance is the foundation […]

Convo 9

The speed of delivery of crop insurance — because it’s administered by private-sector companies — makes it a different kind of animal. In fact, if a natural disaster strikes and I’m covered by a crop insurance policy, typically the payment comes to me in one or two weeks, not in one or two years. Because […]