CUNA MUTUAL ACQUIRES FULL OWNERSHIP OF CROP INSURER PROAG Acquisition Supports Company’s Diversification, Growth Strategies and ProAg’s Growth Objectives

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 3, 2009 MADISON, Wis./AMARILLO, Tex…. CUNA Mutual Group has reached agreement with Producers Ag Insurance Group (ProAg) to become sole owner of the multi-peril crop insurer, serving farmers and agricultural producers nationwide. ProAg will operate as a standalone subsidiary of CUNA Mutual. The acquisition supports CUNA Mutual’s need to identify new growth […]

Record Crop Insurance Indemnity Payments in 2008

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 20, 2009 OVERLAND PARK, KAN…The results are all but final…a record $8.6 billion in crop insurance indemnity payments were made to U.S. farmers for losses in 2008 because of droughts and flooding in parts of the country along with substantial price declines for some of the majority commodities. “This was one […]

Illinois Farmers Receive Significant Crop Insurance Indemnity Payments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 8, 2009 OVERLAND PARK, KAN…The crop insurance industry has paid over $565 million to the farmers in Illinois for losses due to crop loss or decrease in commodity prices for 2008, according to the most recent summary of business data released by the Risk Management Agency. “The amount of indemnities paid […]

Indiana Farmers Receive Significant Crop Insurance Indemnity Payments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 8, 2009 OVERLAND PARK, KAN…The crop insurance industry has paid over $512 million to the farmers in Indiana for losses due to crop loss or decrease in commodity prices for 2008, according to the most recent summary of business data released by the Risk Management Agency. “The amount of indemnities paid […]

Iowa Farmers Receive Significant Crop Insurance Indemnity Payments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 8, 2009 OVERLAND PARK, KAN…The crop insurance industry has paid almost $1.1 billion to the farmers in Iowa for losses due to crop loss or decrease in commodity prices for 2008, according to the most recent summary of business data released by the Risk Management Agency. “The amount of indemnities paid […]

Kansas Farmers Receive Significant Crop Insurance Indemnity Payments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 8, 2009 OVERLAND PARK, KAN…The crop insurance industry has paid over $409 million to the farmers in Kansas for losses due to crop loss or decrease in commodity prices for 2008, according to the most recent summary of business data released by the Risk Management Agency. “The amount of indemnities paid […]

Minnesota Farmers Receive Significant Crop Insurance Indemnity Payments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 8, 2009 OVERLAND PARK, KAN…The crop insurance industry has paid almost $687 million to the farmers in Minnesota for losses due to crop loss or decrease in commodity prices for 2008, according to the most recent summary of business data released by the Risk Management Agency. “The amount of indemnities paid […]

Missouri Farmers Receive Significant Crop Insurance Indemnity Payments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 8, 2009 OVERLAND PARK, KAN…The crop insurance industry has paid over $322 million to the farmers in Missouri for losses due to crop loss or decrease in commodity prices for 2008, according to the most recent summary of business data released by the Risk Management Agency. “The amount of indemnities paid […]

Nebraska Farmers Receive Significant Crop Insurance Indemnity Payments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 8, 2009 OVERLAND PARK, KAN…The crop insurance industry has paid almost $412 million to the farmers in Nebraska for losses due to crop loss or decrease in commodity prices for 2008, according to the most recent summary of business data released by the Risk Management Agency. “The amount of indemnities paid […]

North Dakota Farmers Receive Significant Crop Insurance Indemnity Payments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 8, 2009 OVERLAND PARK, KAN…The crop insurance industry has paid over $825 million to the farmers in North Dakota for losses due to crop loss or decrease in commodity prices for 2008, according to the most recent summary of business data released by the Risk Management Agency. “The amount of indemnities […]