Crop Insurance Basics: Good Farming Practices

Suppose you’re a homeowner who intentionally neglects your property, refusing to make basic repairs and even creating unsafe conditions like exposed wires or leaky pipes. Now suppose your house, not surprisingly, is damaged from a resulting fire or flood. Are you entitled to a full homeowner’s insurance payout? Of course not. A homeowner’s policy has […]

Crop Insurance Basics: Cost Sharing

Federal crop insurance is arguably the first farm policy in history that is financed, in part, by the farmers who benefit from it. Unlike farm policies of the past, which were 100 percent backed by taxpayers, modern-day farm policy requires growers to take an active role in sharing the financial costs of protecting America’s crops […]

Crop Insurance Basics: Actuarially Sound

Unless you’re an economist, an insurance guru, or a pension fund manager, chances are good you’re not overly familiar with the term actuarial soundness. In short, it’s a fancy way of saying “the math must work.” For example, an actuarially sound pension fund will have enough money in the bank to meet future obligations. If […]

New Study Highlights Crop Insurance’s Role in Maintaining Healthy Soil

Crop insurance is not acting as a barrier to the adoption of conservation practices and has a role in helping farmers maintain healthy soil. That’s according to a new peer-reviewed study in the renowned Journal of Environmental Management. During the study, researchers from Purdue University, Arizona State University, and the Nature Conservancy used interviews and […]

NCIS Scholarship Program Helps Students, Promotes Diversity in Agriculture

Jaevien Akinmola grew up helping his grandfather raise vegetables and fruit in rural South Carolina. Farming was everywhere in his hometown of Manning. He could walk out his front door and into a farm field just down the road. Today, Akinmola is studying Agribusiness at South Carolina State University. He has big plans to be […]

Idaho Farmer: Crop Insurance Helps Farmers Feed America

Located in the southeastern corner of Idaho and situated in a high desert environment more than 5,000 feet above sea level, the town of Rockland can be a difficult location to farm. Extreme weather has the potential to quickly devastate crops. Fifth generation Idaho farmer Jamie Kress understands these challenges and that’s why Jamie and […]

Stronger Together: Farmers Count on Crop Insurance During Difficult Year

“America’s farmers and ranchers never stopped their essential work of feeding America,” Zacharias said. “That’s why crop insurers, agents, adjusters and our partners at USDA have continually worked to support the farm community. It has been our priority to maintain our incredible record of service to the American farmer during this tough year.”

“It would be an understatement to say that farmers face an unpredictable future, but fortunately crop insurance is a predictable risk management tool,” Zacharias added.

North Carolina Apple Grower Says Crop Insurance Key to Food Security

Kenny Barnwell is a fifth-generation apple grower in the mountains of North Carolina. His family farm covers approximately 150 acres and is home to 26 different varieties of apples. This year has been tough for apple growers in North Carolina, much like farmers across the country. Apple growers have faced weather-related damages to their crop […]