CROP INSURANCE IN ACTION: Patrick Solon, Streator, Illinois

Patrick Solon’s 1,500 acre farm in north central Illinois will celebrate its 165th year in the Solon family on May 23, 2013. The farm, located about 85 miles southwest of Chicago, has been a source of livelihood for six generations of the Solon family, growing corn and soybeans on some of the best, blackest soil […]

Crop Insurance Is Critical for this Nation’s Fresh Produce Industry

Sometimes, timing is everything. And for fresh fruits and vegetables, there has been a recent convergence of trends and preferences that bode well for the industry. The first is the federal government’s decision to ensure that more fresh fruits and vegetables are consumed as part of the school meal programs, which will expose children who […]

New NCIS Video: Crop Insurance By The Numbers

OVERLAND PARK, KAN. — As we continue pressing forward in the 2013 Farm Bill debate, the success of the crop insurance program and the benefit that it has had to the American taxpayer is the subject of a new NCIS video. “Over the last decade, overall taxpayer spending on farm policy as a whole has […]

Farmers Belong on a Tractor, Not Under the Bus

By Mark Gerdes One of the beauties of life in our great democracy is that spirited debate about important public policies is not only expected, it’s encouraged. One of the intrinsic rules of these discussions, if they are to be productive and fair, is that the policy itself should be scrutinized from every angle without […]

Convo 34

Without crop insurance, these farmers would have no way to recover from these devastating conditions unless the government would step in to provide immediate, unplanned, and unbudgeted disaster assistance. With crop insurance, farmers are able to plan for disasters by paying for coverage. This coverage doesn’t make them whole, but rather helps them survive.

Crop insurance helped make this years bounty possible

By Tim Totheroh I’ve been a farmer all my life. I’m also a crop insurance adjuster, which means last summer was a busy time for me. By the end of harvest claims last year, I visited more than 200 farms, meeting with the farmers, inspecting their losses and adjusting their crop insurance claims. It was […]

NCIS Responds to Bloomberg News Story

Contact: Laurie Langstraat, 913-685-2767 The following statement should be attributed to Tom Zacharias, president, National Crop Insurance Services and is in response to the Bloomberg News story “Taxpayers turn U.S. farmers into fat cats with subsidies”: “The primary reason behind the growth and success of crop insurance over the last decade is that farmers, farm […]

Convo 32

The crop insurance program is very important to us and I don’t think there’s any better example of that than last year’s drought.  On our farm in northwest Missouri we raised about half of what we anticipate raising.