Convo 70

Nearly 90 percent of Americans have a favorable view of farmers, and 92 percent said it was important to provide farmers with federal funding, according to a new national poll released this week. The poll, commissioned by the National Crop Insurance Services, surveyed 1,000 registered voters in early April. Jon McHenry is the Vice President […]

Farming Needs Strong Policy and Crop Insurance

If I don’t take care of the land, then it won’t take care of me, so I consider myself one of the stewards of the earth. I know I’m not alone. My brethren in farming are also caretakers of the land, water and air. We want to be productive and profitable, and pass on our […]

Cuts to the Farm Safety Net Jeopardize a National Asset

“When the well’s dry, we shall know the worth of water,” said Benjamin Franklin. Similarly, if ever we lose the hard-working independent family farms that take care of the nation’s landscape while producing a diverse set of crops more reliably and efficiently than any farm sector in history, then, and only then will we truly understand […]

New England Farmers Need Access to Affordable Crop Insurance

Although Federal Crop Insurance has been around since 1938, it was largely unused by the farmers because it was either unaffordable, unavailable, or both.  Instead, when farmers experienced widespread losses from natural disasters like floods, hail, or hurricanes they turned to Congress for ad hoc disaster assistance. According to the Congressional Research Service, that assistance […]

Farmers Need Protection of Crop Insurance

When the homesteaders came to Kansas, they were looking for land to farm and a chance at the American dream. If they were like my family, they arrived here in a covered wagon, and many of us still live on the land where they began to build their dreams. But Kansas can be a cruel […]

ICYMI: Farming needs strong policy and crop insurance

Lubbock Avalanche-Journal May 28, 2016 If I don’t take care of the land, then it won’t take care of me, so I consider myself one of the stewards of the earth. I know I’m not alone. My brethren in farming are also caretakers of the land, water and air. We want to be productive and […]

CROP INSURANCE IN ACTION: Matt Fisher, Delano, California

Imagine overseeing a multi-generational family farm without crop insurance. When disaster strikes will your farm be able to financially bounce back? This possibility became a reality for one family in Delano, California. And after disaster struck, Matt Fisher said he and his family learned the true value of crop insurance. “Back in 1990-1991, our family […]

In Contrast to the Critics, Crop Insurance Does Not Discriminate

Perennial critics of farm policy have taken aim at one of the key risk management tools for farmers – crop insurance – and are ramping up efforts to spread misinformation about the program. Specifically, they are trying to distort how the premium discount works to leave some farmers with fewer risk management options. Their claims […]

Political Pundit Takes to the Airwaves to Discuss Agriculture

This week was a first for John McHenry, the well-known political pollster for North Star Opinion Research, who is in high demand during election season. McHenry has worked with countless national campaigns and has appeared on Fox News, CNN, NBC Nightly News, BBC, NPR and many others to share research analysis and commentary. But he’s […]

New Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Support Farmers, Farm Policy, Crop Insurance

  (OVERLAND PARK, Kan.)- Nearly 90 percent of Americans have a favorable view of farmers, and 92 percent said it was important to provide them with federal funding, according to a new national poll released today. Furthermore, positive marks cut across party lines, showing that a strong farm policy is a bipartisan issue. “Americans overwhelmingly […]