Max Erickson Presented Crop Insurance Industry Outstanding Service Award

Max Erickson, Erickson Insurance Group, Havre, Montana, is the recipient of the 2013 Crop Insurance Industry Outstanding Service Award in recognition for outstanding service and outreach to small, limited resource, and socially disadvantaged farmers. Steve Rutledge, Chairman of the National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS) Board of Directors, and Tom Zacharias, President of NCIS, presented the […]

Larry Heitman Presented Crop Insurance Industry Leadership Award

Larry Heitman, NAU Country, was presented with the 2013 Crop Insurance Industry Leadership Award at the 2013 Crop Insurance Industry Annual Convention. This award is given to individuals who are directly involved in the crop insurance industry and who consistently serve the industry by providing outstanding leadership. Larry is Senior Vice President for NAU Country’s […]

Greg Burger Presented Crop Insurance Industry Lifetime Achievement Award

Greg Burger, NAU Country (retired), was presented with a 2013 Crop Insurance Industry Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2013 Crop Insurance Industry Annual Convention. Greg Burger’s first job in 1964 was a contract adjuster, at the young age of 17. He continued in this role for 13 years when, in 1977, he became a full-time […]

James Deal Presented Crop Insurance Industry Lifetime Achievement Award

James Deal, NAU Country (retired), was presented with a 2013 Crop Insurance Industry Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2013 Crop Insurance Industry Annual Convention. James (Jim) Deal was the former owner and Chairman of the Board of NAU, Mountain States and NAU Country Insurance companies. He was also the former owner and Chairman of a […]

New video offers insight into dramatic losses in the Heartland

OVERLAND PARK, KAN. — With the vast majority of the U.S. corn, cotton, soybean and sorghum crops yet to be harvested, crop insurance companies have already paid out nearly $2 billion in indemnities to farmers who have suffered losses this year. “America’s heartland has taken a beating from Mother Nature and the crop insurance industry […]

Crop insurers call on farmers to demonstrate severity of drought in online photo contest

OVERLAND PARK. KANSAS (August 20, 2012)—National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS) announced that it will host a 90-day photo contest, beginning today and featuring farm photos taken during the 2012 drought—on track to be one of the driest years the nation has ever seen. The group is reaching out to all farmers suffering from these near-record […]

Crop Insurers Reassure Farmers as Drought Worsens

OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS, July 18, 2012 – As the drought spreads and attention turns to worsening crop conditions in farm country, the nation’s crop insurers today reassured farmers that companies will have the money necessary to quickly pay out claims in 2012, even amid record payouts last year. For every dollar of premium that insurance […]

NCIS Unveils Third in Video Series, Spotlight On Historic Midwest Flooding

(OVERLAND PARK, Kan.) — As the House Agriculture Committee wraps up its hearings and the Senate Farm Bill moves closer to the floor for debate, National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS) today released the third in an ongoing series of educational videos on crop insurance. This new video spotlights the Missouri river flooding of 2011 – […]